Empellon Taqueria

230 W 4th Street, New York, NY 10014 Order now

Mexican restaurant specializing in innovative tacos and other favorites.


Our reviews

Reviews from Grubhub

Empellon Taqueria Reviews on Grubhub


Top Reviewer
Delicious, unique food. Highly recommend the brussel sprout tacos and the celery root salad. All their food is scrumptious and delicately prepared.


Top Reviewer
The food was fresh, tasty and a little different. So great!!

Reviews from Seamless.com

Empellon Taqueria Reviews on Seamless


Top Reviewer
Pricy for tacos, but...these are not really "tacos." These are to tacos what tiramisu is to pudding.
But if you're going out to eat in the West Village of today, you're probably ready to spend what they're asking.

Also, let me take a moment to compliment the exceptional staff.


Top Reviewer
Really might be the best tacos I've had in NYC...Unfortunately they really are just WAY too expensive. Girlfriend yells at me when I order, but it's a guilty pleasure. Will I order again? Probably pretty soon, yeah.


Top Reviewer
Excellent flavors and quality, but I agree that perhaps the prices should reflect a slightly larger portion of food.


Top Reviewer
Another round of Excellent service and delicious food. FAST DELIVERY YET AGAIN!!!


Top Reviewer
always fast and delicious but very pricey.

About us

Dinner, Gluten-Free, Healthy, Lunch Specials, Mexican, Salads, Seafood, Spanish, Tacos, Vegan, Vegetarian
Delivery: 5:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Takeout: 5:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Empellón's approach to cuisine is informed by authenticity but not limited by it. Empellón Al Pastor: Many chefs often feel an immense pressure to innovate and interpret, so much so that sometimes discovering something simple and deliciously authentic feels fresh and new. For us, this happened with tacos al pastor. At Empellón Al Pastor, we have a finite focus on one of the most delicious ideas ever to adorn a tortilla. Pork shoulder steaks are rubbed with chile and roasted on a spit. We slice the meat thin and dress it with a green salsa followed by a red one, then add a sliver of pineapple with a bit of onion. Our tortillas are created in-house in a special area solely for this purpose. Nixtamalization--Mexicos most important cooking technique--happens here every morning. In this process, field corn is boiled and ground into aromatic masa for our tortillas every day. By concentrating on this particular dish, we are trying to get one step closer to having all the puzzle pieces we need in place in order to make great Mexican cuisine here in NYC.